Topical Creams​

DHEA Cream

DHEA cream, a topical formulation enriched with the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), offers a potential avenue to support hormonal balance within the body. 

Progesterone Cream

Progesterone cream, a topical formulation enriched with the hormone progesterone, holds promise in supporting hormonal balance within the body.

Pro-Estrofem Cream

Pro-Estrofem cream, a specialized topical formulation infused with essential hormones, is tailored to support and harmonize hormonal levels within the body. 


Convenient and Targeted Skin Absorption for Effective Treatment

Topical creams have emerged as a popular mode of medication delivery, offering unique advantages for both medical professionals and patients seeking efficient treatment. Here are some key benefits associated with using topical creams:


Topical creams provide a convenient application method, allowing patients to administer medication themselves without the need for injections or swallowing pills.

Localized Treatment:

Creams can be applied directly to the affected area, delivering medication precisely where needed for localized relief and treatment.

Reduced Systemic Impact:

Unlike oral medications, topical creams may have a reduced systemic impact as they primarily target the applied area, potentially minimizing side effects on the rest of the body.

Potential for Controlled Absorption:

Creams can be formulated to control the rate of absorption, ensuring a steady release of medication over time for sustained relief.

Enhanced Compliance:

The ease of application often promotes better adherence to treatment plans, improving overall compliance and treatment outcomes.

Versatile Applications:

Topical creams are versatile and can be formulated for various purposes, including pain relief, hormone replacement, skin conditions, and more.

In summary, topical creams offer a convenient and targeted approach to medication application, enhancing patient comfort and treatment effectiveness across a wide range of medical conditions.


Nanotechnology tincture formulation with vitamin C, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), B complex vitamins, trace minerals, and vitamin B12 may have several potential benefits for the immune system.


Nanotechnology tincture formulation with vitamin C, magnesium, carnitine, coenzyme Q10, trace minerals, and vitamin B12 may have several potential benefits for individuals with cardiac conditions.


Nanotechnology tincture formulation with alpha-lipoic acid, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), magnesium, chromium, and trace minerals may have several potential benefits for individuals with diabetes.


Nanotechnology tincture formulation with carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), B complex vitamins, taurine, creatine, and trace minerals may have several potential benefits for individuals looking to improve their athletic performance.

Erectile Disfunction

Nanotechnology tincture formulation with arginine, citrulline, ornithine, beetroot extract, carnitine, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), acetyl-L-carnitine, and propionyl-L-carnitine may have several potential benefits for individuals with erectile dysfunction (ED).

Anti Inflammatory

Nanotechnology tincture formulation with vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and elderberry may have several potential benefits for individuals with inflammatory conditions.

V Healthy, LLC serves physician offices, retail pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Through its innovative and groundbreaking wellness product formulation process, V Healthy is the wholesale solution to your everyday, compounding and specialty pharmacy needs by constantly searching for manufactures with innovative and high-quality products. With extensive marketing expertise, competitive prices and best in class product access, through a simple ordering process, and a secure supply chain, we strive to be your choice as a supplier.

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