Topical Cream

Key Nutrients

Topical Cream

DHEA Cream​

DHEA cream, a topical formulation enriched with the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), offers a potential avenue to support hormonal balance within the body. Delve into the potential benefits associated with this topical cream designed to aid individuals seeking hormonal equilibrium:

Hormonal Balance:

DHEA is a precursor to multiple hormones within the body, and using DHEA cream may support achieving a state of hormonal balance. This equilibrium can be particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing hormonal fluctuations associated with aging or specific health conditions.

Vitality and Well-being:

DHEA is often referred to as the “youth hormone” due to its potential to contribute to vitality and overall well-being. Its supplementation through a topical cream may aid individuals in feeling more energetic and rejuvenated, enhancing their daily life experiences.

Cognitive Function Enhancement:

Some research suggests a potential link between DHEA levels and cognitive function. Applying DHEA topically may offer support for brain health, including aspects related to memory, focus, and overall mental clarity.

Immune Support:

DHEA is recognized for its potential immunomodulatory effects. By using DHEA cream, individuals may support their immune system, helping the body maintain its defenses and overall resilience.

Bone Health and Strength:

DHEA is known to play a role in bone density and strength. Topical application of DHEA may offer support for bone health, potentially aiding in the maintenance of skeletal integrity. 

Before incorporating any new supplement or hormonal product, it’s vital to consult a healthcare professional, especially for hormonal supplementation. The specific benefits and appropriate usage of the DHEA cream may vary based on individual health status, medical history, and hormone levels. Additionally, maintaining a balanced lifestyle and adhering to a well-structured approach to hormonal health is crucial for maximizing the potential benefits of DHEA cream.

Works Well with​

Pen Therapy


Immune PEN, an injectable formula enriched with B complex vitamins, MTE (multi-trace element), magnesium, acetylcysteine, and B12, holds significant potential in bolstering the immune system. 

Pen Therapy


Vitality PEN, an injectable formula enriched with B complex vitamins, MTE (multi-trace element), carnitine, and B12, holds promise in enhancing athletic performance. 

Nanotech Tinctures


The “Immune Nanotech Tincture” is an innovative product formulated through the application of cutting-edge nanotechnology, with a singular aim – to provide comprehensive support to your immune system and contribute to your overall well-being. In the realm of wellness, nanotech tinctures represent a pioneering approach, harnessing the remarkable potential of nanotechnology to transform the efficacy of health-boosting compounds.

Nanotech Tinctures


The “Performance Nanotech Tincture” is a product formulated with a combination of ingredients that may offer potential health benefits for enhancing physical and cognitive performance. 

Nanotech Tinctures


The “Cardiac Nanotech Tincture” goes beyond traditional methods of supplementation, offering a bioavailable, potent, and synergistic formulation of cardiovascular supporting ingredients designed to fortify your system and promote a state of well-being.

Nanotech Tinctures


The “Diabetes Nanotech Tincture” goes beyond traditional methods of supplementation, offering a bioavailable, potent, and synergistic formulation of cardiovascular supporting ingredients designed to fortify your system and promote a state of well-being.

V Healthy, LLC serves physician offices, retail pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Through its innovative and groundbreaking wellness product formulation process, V Healthy is the wholesale solution to your everyday, compounding and specialty pharmacy needs by constantly searching for manufactures with innovative and high-quality products. With extensive marketing expertise, competitive prices and best in class product access, through a simple ordering process, and a secure supply chain, we strive to be your choice as a supplier.

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