Nanotech Tincture

Key Nutrients

Nanotech Tinctures

Chemo Nanotech Tincture​

The “Chemo Nanotech Tincture” represents a groundbreaking approach to support individuals undergoing chemotherapy, utilizing advanced nanotechnology to enhance overall well-being during this challenging process. This innovative tincture offers a potent, bioavailable, and synergistic blend of key nutrients, including Vitamin C, Coconut Oil, Magnesium, EGT (Epigallocatechin Gallate), and Folic Acid. Below, we explore the potential benefits associated with this transformative formulation:

Immune System Reinforcement:

Vitamin C, a cornerstone of the “Chemo Nanotech Tincture,” plays a pivotal role in strengthening the immune system. This essential vitamin supports the production of white blood cells and antibodies, crucial components of the body’s immune response. By bolstering your immune system, the tincture helps individuals undergoing chemotherapy maintain their resilience against common infections and health challenges.

Energy Support:

Coconut Oil, well-known for its potential benefits to skin and hair, offers another valuable dimension to the tincture. It contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can provide quick energy. For individuals undergoing chemotherapy, who may experience fatigue and energy loss, this natural and fast-acting energy source can be particularly beneficial, helping them stay active and energetic during the process.

Body and Muscle Function:

Magnesium, a core component of the tincture, plays a fundamental role in muscle and nerve function. Chemotherapy can have a significant impact on these systems, potentially causing muscle weakness or nerve-related issues. By providing an essential nutrient like magnesium, the tincture supports overall body and muscle function, helping individuals manage the side effects of chemotherapy.

Antioxidant Defense:

EGT (Epigallocatechin Gallate), found in green tea, is a polyphenol with robust antioxidant properties. EGT can help protect cells from oxidative damage, promoting overall health and cellular protection. Individuals undergoing chemotherapy often experience oxidative stress, and EGT contributes to their long-term well-being by providing this cellular defense.

Cell and DNA Health:

Folic Acid, a key component of the tincture, is essential for cell division and DNA repair. During chemotherapy, the body’s cells undergo significant stress, and folic acid helps support their health and recovery. It is a valuable addition to the tincture, contributing to overall well-being during this challenging period.

It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional before using any supplement, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. Additionally, maintaining a balanced lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being.

Works Well with​

Pen Therapy


Immune PEN, an injectable formula enriched with B complex vitamins, MTE (multi-trace element), magnesium, acetylcysteine, and B12, holds significant potential in bolstering the immune system.

Nanotech Tincture


The “Performance Nanotech Tincture” goes beyond traditional methods of supplementation, offering a bioavailable, potent, and synergistic formulation of performance-supporting ingredients designed to fortify your system and promote a state of well-being.

Booster Shot

Vitamin C

The “Vitamin C Booster,” offers an efficient and direct means of nourishing the body, bypassing the digestive system and ensuring optimal absorption. 

Booster Shot

Vitamin D

The “Vitamin D Booster,” offers an efficient and direct means of nourishing the body, bypassing the digestive system and ensuring optimal absorption. 

Booster Shot


The glutathione booster shot is a powerful and efficient way to revitalize your health and fortify your body’s defenses. 

V Healthy, LLC serves physician offices, retail pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Through its innovative and groundbreaking wellness product formulation process, V Healthy is the wholesale solution to your everyday, compounding and specialty pharmacy needs by constantly searching for manufactures with innovative and high-quality products. With extensive marketing expertise, competitive prices and best in class product access, through a simple ordering process, and a secure supply chain, we strive to be your choice as a supplier.

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