

MTE, commonly known as manganese, is a fundamental trace mineral essential for various physiological processes within the human body. It plays a critical role in maintaining optimal health and functionality, even though it is required in only minute quantities.
MTE actively participates in a wide range of metabolic functions, contributing significantly to the body’s overall well-being. It is particularly vital for its involvement in:
  • Antioxidant Defense: MTE acts as a cofactor for various antioxidant enzymes, helping to protect cells from oxidative damage and maintain cellular health.
  • Bone Health: MTE plays a role in bone formation and development, supporting skeletal strength and density.
  • Neurotransmitter Production: It is involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which affect mood and overall mental well-being.
The importance of MTE extends to several aspects of health, offering benefits such as:
•Antioxidant Protection: MTE aids in safeguarding cells from oxidative stress, contributing to overall cellular health.
•Bone Strength: It supports healthy bones, helping maintain bone density and structure.
•Mental Well-being: MTE plays a role in mood regulation and neurotransmitter balance, potentially contributing to mental health.

Can be found in

Pen Therapy


Immune PEN, an injectable formula enriched with B complex vitamins, MTE (multi-trace element), magnesium, acetylcysteine, and B12, holds significant potential in bolstering the immune system.

Pen Therapy

Vitality PEN, an injectable formula enriched with B complex vitamins, MTE (multi-trace element), carnitine, and B12, holds promise in enhancing athletic performance. 

V Healthy, LLC serves physician offices, retail pharmacies and other healthcare providers. Through its innovative and groundbreaking wellness product formulation process, V Healthy is the wholesale solution to your everyday, compounding and specialty pharmacy needs by constantly searching for manufactures with innovative and high-quality products. With extensive marketing expertise, competitive prices and best in class product access, through a simple ordering process, and a secure supply chain, we strive to be your choice as a supplier.

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